
Private Client 服务

Step Up to the Next Level of Service

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Private Client 服务

Concierge financial 服务 to fit your busy life.

An Elevated Banking Experience

利记app官网 prides itself on providing 所有 our clients with exceptional service. But what if your wealth and well-being require additional time, care, and attention? For you, there's 利记app官网’s Private Client 服务. You’ll be assigned your own Private Client Representative, who’ll person所有y handle your individual financial affairs. Your valuable time is freed up, so you can dedicate it to the things you enjoy most. You do more with us—let us do more for you.


Private Client 服务 include:
  • Concierge-level service beyond regular business hours
  • A single point of contact for 所有 your credit union business
  • Providing personalized solutions based upon your assets, goals, and unique financial situation

Let’s simplify your life.

You can rely on the personalized attention we give our clients, from assisting with day-to-day transactions and accounts to supporting more in-depth financial needs. We also offer a vast knowledge of 元素 products, 服务, 最重要的是, 人, who we can connect you with to achieve your financial milestones.

Meet Our Private Client Representatives

I was a private banking client at a national bank for over 20 years. I had been wanting to make a change in my banking provider for many years but did not want to spend the time and hassle to make the switch. My 元素 Private Client representative made the transition simple and seamless.

- Cindy Zweber-Free, Regional Vice President, Allied Solutions, 印第安纳波利斯, IN

You’ve spent years building your success.

Let us help you manage it.


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